90 days with Catra
Thursday, April 30, 2015
’90 Dias Com Catra’ (90 Days with Catra) was a pilot episode we did for a TV series a few years ago. The project was never approved, but the video made its way to the internet, and low and behold, has had more than 6 million views.
Our Director Rafael Mellin shares this story.
1) How did the idea come about to make a video with Catra? Was it an original creation or commissioned by a client?
The idea came about in a brainstorming session we had with our team a few years ago. We exchanged ideas with a friend of ours, João Pádua, who knew Catra, and he led the way. He [Catra] really liked the idea, and that’s how the project got started. At the time, the pilot episode didn’t make it to TV, so we decided to upload it onto the internet. The video reached 6 million views and was shared and copied. Pirated copies landed up being sold at Uruguaiana (translator note: a street market in the centre of Rio de Janeiro with a labyrinth of stalls selling everything from toys and clothes to electronic goods).
2) What struck you the most during filming?
What really impressed the entire team was the number of shows he did. We lost count of the number of shows he performed in the one week we spent together. During the day, Catra would stay home with his kids and go about his commitments. At the end of the afternoon, he would go out and do 4, 5 shows. We were also blown away by the number of fans he has.
3) Does the video have a specific aim? Did you expect it would be viewed by millions?
When we uploaded it onto the internet, we didn’t expect we would have the number of views we did. For about 6 months, we would hear people talking about him in conversation groups. It was viewed in more than one hundred countries. We expected it would have an impact, but never imagined the proportion it took on.
4) Do you consider picking up where you left off?
We do. The problem is that nowadays Catra’s schedule is much more complicated than it was in those days. We don’t know whether he would be willing to do it again. We believe it’s one of the most viewed documentaries to date.
Production credits
script: João Pádua and Rafael Mellin
executive producer: Bruno Lins
director: Rafael Mellin
director of photography: João Padua
production coordinator: Esther Meirelles
producer: Priscilla Ribeiro
editor: Daniel Ferro
images: João Padua, Marcos Salamonde & Fabio Serfaty
assistant: Thomaz Tarre
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