70 & Tal
Canal OFF
Longing for a time we didn’t live in, that’s what we feel when watching and reliving the stories from 70&Tal (“The 70s”), a show we created and produced for Canal OFF.
Months of research, trips, chats, laughter, shootings, surfing and rediscovering to surface the atmosphere of a key time in the shaping of the Brazilian beach culture that opened the way for Brazilian surf.
It was the beginning of everything. These were the kids that took the wheels from roller skates to put on skate boards, the kids that were hanging ten started snapping backside.
After collecting testimonials and other materials from people who lived those days, it was then time to invite the under 30 crew to live the best of surfing and other experiences from the 70s. In shorts, no leash and driving around in old beetles and VW vans, surfers John Magrath, Junior Faria, Peu Mello, Andrew Serrano and company traveled along the Brazilian coast. They took single fins, twin fins, longboards and wooden surfboards to experience new memorable moments in amazing conditions.
I want to live in the 70s now. Can I?
One of the main differences between 70&Tal series and other documentaries about the 70s is the new approach. It’s not fiction because the people on it are surfing for real and doing it well. What’s a bit odd and fascinating at the same time are the similarities, the boards, the outfits and the cars. The quality of the images and the performances are very different, though. We were very lucky to be blessed with great waves in Ipanema, Saquarema, Guarujá and in the South. The 70s spirits seem to have really helped.
It was so compelling that the series was transformed into a movie awarded in a dozen different international festivals, going through France, England, Germany, Portugal, Spain and elsewhere. The project also became a special edition of the Saladah magazine, experimental projections and materialized into an unforgettable launch party at the Grupo Sal.
Assine o Saleiro: nosso jornal digital
Pitadas mensais de criatividade e bom humor para incluir na caixola. Não perca!