Brazilian Storm
Canal OFF
The story of the generation that has been shaking the world of surfing and taking the green and yellow flag to the top of the professional surfing podium. Things have changed: where in the past we would see only American and Australian surfers, we now see the Brazilian Storm.
The first time we heard the expression “Brazilian Storm” was in Huntington Beach during 2011 US Open. In a Nike 6.0 video with our images, commentator Sal Masekela announced that the “Brazilian Storm” was there to cause lots of damage. The prophecy gained momentum with the unexpected, mind-blowing victory of Filipe Toledo in the junior division that same year.

To baptize Canal OFF’s show, we borrowed the expression that became as strong as an actual storm. The surfers and the show were so successful that we ended up baptizing the most victorious generation in Brazilian surfing history.

Since then, the storm got bigger, stronger and even more devastating. Medina was the first Brazilian surfing world champion in 2014, opening the gateway for Adriano de Souza’s title. We still closely follow their waves and routine, only now in the warm company of 200 million fans.
Assine o Saleiro: nosso jornal digital
Pitadas mensais de criatividade e bom humor para incluir na caixola. Não perca!