Coletivo OFF

Canal OFF

In conjunction with Canal OFF, we created a platform to promote sustainable development through authentic people, innovative ideas, simple projects and little day-to-day initiatives which inform, raise awareness and influence people.

Small choices can change the world.

In 13 episodes, we presented Marcelo Ulyssá’s project and his sustainable surfboards made from agave. We explored a number of topics such as BioTur, a sustainable travel agency, Active Transport NGO which invests in alternative transportation, Adaptsurf NGO, which promotes the social inclusion of people with disabilities by providing access to the beach and surfing plus many more innovative ideas which raised awareness and influenced the lives of many people.

For those of you seeking inspiration, you can watch the full series on the Canal OFF website.

Pitadas mensais de criatividade e bom humor para incluir na caixola. Não perca!