Carioca Elegance
Shopping Leblon
Located in the heart of the South Zone of Rio, between the banks of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Ipanema Beach, and the Dois Irmãos hill, Shopping Leblon receives many neighbors and tourists from all over the world.
It is precisely in this daily interaction that the brand must express itself and practice its essence, values, and attributes. To inspire all of the brand’s attitudes, we chose the creative synthesis “Long live the Carioca elegance”, which translates itself as light and natural; authentic and cosmopolitan; generous and functional; considerate and practical; simple and charming.
All aesthetic choices are made to value the natural and cultural heritage of Rio de Janeiro and promote the best attitude from those living in the city. We believe that the beach is more beautiful if it is clean, that education is charming, that art can be found both in galleries and on the streets, and that beauty is spread throughout the city.

With clear meanings, the language becomes a tool for creating the new verbal and visual languages of Shopping Leblon and includes a complete repertoire for the exercise of communication: tone of voice, editorial content, color palette, textures, graphics, photos, and original messages.

The daily work of brand communication is done by Salgados in co-creation with the marketing team of Shopping Leblon and a diverse set of artists, photographers, scenographers, and producers, who help us to translate the “Carioca elegance” into installations, pieces, films, and photos, as happened in the campaign honoring the 100th anniversary of the neighborhood that is home to the mall.

The language inspires and guides the creation of names, campaigns, identities, videos, and installations, such as the work created by scenographer and visual artist Gigi Barreto called “Voa”, and also the Christmas campaign of 2020, which was full of meaning and celebrated the true nature of the date: that we should be welcoming, respectful, and value simplicity.

Our relationship of mutual trust and admiration with Grupo Sal fuels strategic, consistent, and high quality work. Along with them, we have the chance to practice empathy, balance, kindness and excellence in all of the brand’s contact points, daily.
Assine o Saleiro: nosso jornal digital
Pitadas mensais de criatividade e bom humor para incluir na caixola. Não perca!